Month: October 2005

  • the bigness of a dry erase board

    hi dad, so yesterday xxx came to my office and i let him in and he was very impressed by how ‘fancy’ and ‘serious’ it was, like an ‘american’ office… and the truth is, it resembles a nyc office to some extent… except that we are all wearing jeans…anyways, he was also very impressed with…

  • shoes as zehut

    another milestone in my aliyah-making declaring israeliness: i bought clunky, chunky, obnoxious, israeli shoes.they’re big, they’re bad, and they’re all mine.and i can justify a kartisiyat noar again. ha!

  • Version 1

    Larutz. “Alright. Larutz.” “Shalosh… shtayim… echad…” The room collectively sucks in its breath… “Action!” [Footsteps sound outside the metal door. A man dressed as a mifaked bursts in, and then abruptly stops. He is listening to music that will be filled in by the director later. He starts to rock back and forth, in tune…