New olim, don't read this.

It’s nearly two years since I made aliyah. There are a lot of things about the experience I’m over at this point. Some highlights of what I’m over:

– ‘Making aliyah’
– The intrigue of being a secular Israeli
– Being called by my Hebrew name
– Speaking English in the street
– Visiting the States
– Maps of Israel
– Philosophies of Zionism
– Conflict
– Conflict Resolution

Is that a downer? Not sure. I don’t feel down.






  1. Judy Avatar

    I’m not an olah or planning to be, but I can’t see why you wouldn’t want new olim to read this. It sounds like an encouraging summary of how well you’ve adjusted to being part of Israeli life and society. Kol Hakavod. If you really are over speaking English in the street, that’s even more impressive. Now what’s interesting is what you still you’re not yet over…. and what you feel really up about.

  2. eliesheva Avatar

    Thanks, man.

  3. BY Avatar

    A few things I would add to my own list –

    Marzipan Rogoluch
    Walking Everywhere
    The News
    The Politics
    Which Supermarket really is cheaper
    Bank Charges

  4. Seth Avatar

    I actually don’t understand the speaking english in the street part. You are over getting mad about it, or you dont do it anymore?

  5. eliesheva Avatar

    Neither… I’m over it being a big deal, being embarrassed to do it.

Whadya got: