Month: March 2008

  • Lessons of Israel: Life is good until it's not.

    I was walking with a friend down Emek Refaim today when I happened to look up and notice the plaque that hangs outside Cafe Hillel, remembering those killed in the bombing there on September 9th 2003. That bombing in particular hit me hard for several reasons, and that date hasn’t gone by since without me…

  • Religion: gets high with a little help from its friends.

    I’ve always suspected this myself, but a Hebrew University researcher is daring enough to say it out loud in a recent article: Hebrew University researcher: Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai On perusing the momentous occasion of Moses’ trip up Mount Sinai to collect and deliver God’s words to the people, Professor Benny Shanon is…

  • Living it up (culturally) in Tzur Hadassah.

    I got a fun little pamphlet in my cute little p.o. box: Cultural activities for adults, families and children. It’s got a whole bunch of activities planned for residents of Tzur Hadassah over the next month. Since a few people have contacted me interested about moving here, I thought I’d post some of them to…

  • Ignorance is momentary bliss.

    There’s only so much I can ignore the news here when things take a turn for terrible. At a certain point, it smacks you in the face and then maybe you’re tearing up at your desk with the paper on-screen or you’re cringing at the hourly news on your way home. I’m not at that…

  • A light on the Israeli police situation.

    On my way home from school tonight I was getting speeding off the ramp from Kvish 1 towards Bet Shemesh when the inevitable happened: the red and blue lights came peeking out from behind me from afar. I recognize that I can be a bit of a speed demon when in the right mood. When…

  • Separation anxiety and the wandering me.

    My professor had us draw a chart describing an experience of separation we’ve gone in childhood, teenage years, as an adult and also one that we expect in the next five or so years. Oddly, the easiest phase to fill out was the last; it came to me immediately and it’s a wonder that little…