Category: hi tech
Unicorns, leprechauns, EL AL customer-friendly UX, & other mythical creatures
For months, I’ve been trying/failing/procrastinating/trying again/failing again/sighing/punching walls in disbelief/trying again to log in to my EL AL Matmid Frequent Flyer account and handle some points issues. I’ve tried online, I’ve called, I’ve tweeted, my travel agent has tried for me, but nothing helped, and yet on every log in attempt, I’ve gotten an assortment…
GoldieBlox: building the next generation of girl engineers
UPDATE: GoldieBlox shipped March 12 2013! Very exciting! Here’s a project that was fully funded on Kickstarter five days after the account went up. Those stories are rare, so what could possibly have been inspiring enough for that kind of support? Debbie Sterling is an engineer out of Stanford University who, influenced by being a…
The time the kids met the PR2.
And now for something different… Meet my brother, a robotics engineer Phd student at the University of Pennsylvania. (Disclaimer: I’m not sure if this can realistically say much about me). Meet the PR2, Willow Garage‘s research and innovation robot, which my brother works on with a team at the GRASPY lab in Penn, coding for arm…
Marissa Mayer: CEO-to-be, mom-to-be, and, one hopes, game-changer-to-be.
Marissa, I really have respect for you ever since I heard you speak at GarageGeeks in June 2010. I was working for back then, in an office of 60 and a company of 90. It was a year since having my first child and I was lucky to be involved in a family-friendly company…
Why I’m not an Apple fangirl.
It’s been over ten years since I was first converted to the fruity side. I remember it well; after my embarrassing use of an old Compaq desktop PC my entire freshman year of college, a good friend pulled me aside and told me it was time to buy an Apple. “Apple? the computer my dad bought in…
#tomorrow12: Shimon Peres project for Israeli-Arab integration into hi tech.
In this week’s episode of That’s! So! Shimon! I am pleased to present a new initiative of Israel’s President Shimon Peres and Cisco Systems CEO John Chambers “which promotes the integration of Arab academics into the Israeli hi-tech industry through a coalition of leading hi-tech companies and NGOs in Israel.” The project is called Ma’antech, and…
Driving the Future to a Better Place.
I think we late ’70s/early ’80s peeps grew up in an awesome time. As kids, we could still appreciate that the Future was far away enough to dream big, and as adults, we’re seeing it happen. Ok, fine, maybe every generation has that. But you can’t beat growing up in the ’80s. Last night, Better…
When you mix Jews, legalities, Facebook…
Facebook + Jew vs Jew + lawsuit? Not the first time this has happened, Mark Zuckerberg(s)! Israeli entrepreneur becomes Mark Zuckerberg to fight Facebook But we had to have known some Israeli would have the balls to do this: Israeli entrepreneur Rotem Guez has legally changed his name to Mark Zuckerberg in response to legal…
Ok, Bezeq Parrot. You win.
Well, the Bezeq Parrot had earned his keep methinks. And an Israeli company has proven it is capable of providing not only quality, but creative, customer service. Lots of companies have Twitter accounts for so-called support. Some of them actually keep up with that premise. But @bezeqbenleumi really has it down. We recently switched our…
Some answers at the end of an era.
Three months ago, my company, a profitable American-Israeli-start up-turned-public-on-NASDAQ, was acquired for $127 million by an American holdings firm. A week ago, something terribly sad happened. My company felt one of the hardest pains of being acquired; two-thirds of my office were laid off. As TechCrunch put it, it was ‘gutted.’ The saddest thing about…