Category: tzur hadassah

  • Tzur Hadassah update: The border town gets border police

    Hello and welcome to our border town. It looks like we’re finally getting border security treatment. Back in the summer I noticed these posters go up at either entrance to Tzur Hadassah, and during the Gaza operation, we were emailed by the va’ad about some new details. When it comes to Tzur Hadassah and security,…

  • Tzur Hadassah Anglos rally for the south!

    Here’s a shout out to the awesome Anglo crew in Tzur Hadassah, which, in 48 hours, managed to rally and collect food, household items, toys and books for the citizens of southern Israel and soldiers serving on the Gaza border. Together, about seven or eight families, filled the trunk of a Ford Focus: And I…

  • Tzur Hadassah’s library: introducing English story time

    Did you know? Tzur Hadassah has a local library! I knew it but never explored in the 4.5 years we’ve lived here. Which is a shame since I practically grew up in the library. But a friend and fellow local Anglo mom started an English story time on Mondays after gan, around 4:15 pm. We…

  • Not so fast: Tzur Hadassah mikvah update

    About a month ago, we took a walk to where the currently-malfunctioning mikvah stands in Tzur Hadassah. Apparently, ‘they’ have found donors/money to get it functional, (I understand the malfunction is a plumbing issue) and it seems the rest of the area is getting prepped as well. The road leading to it from next to…

  • New statue alert: Dove love spotted in Tzur Hadassah

    Watch out, Hitchcock. We’ve got birds up in this piece. Or peace? Looks like Tzur Hadassah got another new art installation last week, right near the western entrance and the entrance to Har Kitron. With so many artists and sculptors and painters in town, feels pretty lucky to get prettied up once in a while. International sculptor…

  • Tzur Hadassah’s resident math problem.

    Status: puzzled.  Can someone explain to me how adding a brand new apartment building complex, with the capacity for 900 units, to sit on top of what is now a quite pretty nature area (which is besides the point) – can someone explain to me, how those 900 new units inside Tzur Hadassah, for which…

  • Fifty-Two Frames: Sunset.

    For a while I’ve felt a bit stuck. Living in a lovely shoe box of puzzle pieces; it’s the complete set, so I know everything will fit. And then at some point, one must look around and wonder if there’s another puzzle somewhere, in some alternate universe, and if one were to mix the pieces…

  • The cost of having kids in Israel.

    The cost of having kids in Israel.

    We ‘have’ kids. Sounds so passive, doesn’t it? Isn’t it more like, we find someone to have kids with, settle in with them, work at it for a few months to a few years, attempt to save money to cushion the initial shock, bring forth a baby into the world with extreme amounts of energy,…

  • The Tzur Hadassah contrast.

    I live in a beautiful nature park-slash-construction zone. Pretty sure that at any given time in the last year there are around a dozen construction sites within our town. The flagship of Tzur Hadassah construction would be the megatron community center/school district being built in the center, towards the valley. Har Kitron is good for a…

  • An IDF soldier may be missing; search on for נטע ברנד.

    I received this email a few hours ago from our local Tzur Hadassah announcement list: עזרה דחופה לאיתור חייל נעדר מגבעת ישעיהו היום בסביבות  השעה  8:30 נראה החייל נטע ברנד מגבעת ישעיהו בכניסה לישוב. מאז נותק הקשר עימו ויש חשש לחייו. נטע לבש מדי צה”ל ונשא נשק. ברגעים אלו מתבצעים חיפושים נרחבים באזור גבעת ישעיהו. כל…

  • It’s starting to look a lot like…

    The annual hanging of the flags across Israel (or Tzur Hadassah specifically): Yom Haatzmaut 64, here we come!

  • I live here.

    Loving the weather. On my walk today, I literally went off the beaten track and decided to do what I’ve been wanting to do for months. I turned into the valley here in Tzur Hadassah and walked through our local nature zone. The grass is *spectacular* because of all the rain we’ve been getting. Lush, green,…