Tag: news

  • Ignorance is momentary bliss.

    There’s only so much I can ignore the news here when things take a turn for terrible. At a certain point, it smacks you in the face and then maybe you’re tearing up at your desk with the paper on-screen or you’re cringing at the hourly news on your way home. I’m not at that…

  • There's something worse than Israel?

    Here’s something you don’t see everyday: Ynet made me do a double-take with that one. But they really ought not to lie in journalism…

  • My reactions to the Winograd report.

    No, I haven’t written any thoughts on the Winograd report given the other night. So what do I think, you ask? I think the question – at this point – is how have I reacted to the Winograd report? I knew what my response would be whether or not I agreed with the outcome. It’s…

  • To snow, or not to snow…

    It’s 6 p.m., and all the Israeli news can report about is the impending ‘snow storm’. It’s been hyped about all day, with news reporters actually looking excited as the students who await instruction to stay home from school tomorrow. The sky has been eerie and gray and has given an extra-apocalyptic feel to the…

  • Today's word: Etrog Journalism.

    I learned a new word – or rather, term – today at the Arab-Israeli Journalism panel I sat on: etrog journalism. The idea, thunk up by a Haaretz reporter a few years ago, is that certain items of news need to be treated as delicately as an etrog, the yellow citrus fruit we Jews use…