hi mom,
in response, i dunno what kind of news they are showing you there, but i watched it live from 11-5 yesterday, and its the most terrible thing ive seen after sept 11… little girls yelling at soldiers, crying, soldiers dragging teenage girls by their hands and feet from their houses, people burning down their own homes, people shoving babies in soldiers’ faces, and then these young men tossed paint and oil at them…
the thing is, israelis are some of the most impatient people on the earth, but the soldiers and police have shown a patience i have never seen in israelis to this degree – they really are hurt and torn by what they are doing, and they are really trying to be as brotherly as they can, even while getting smacked around with words and hands and paint… its a small light amongst all the pessimism a lot of people here are feeling about the social-civil war that is errupting…
Whadya got: