Since I moved out of חלץ, it seems my life has been pulled around by לחץ.
Anyway, after getting engaged and working on the timely aspects of wedding planning, (wait – what aspect isn’t timely?), I thought things would calm down a bit. They haven’t, due to the fact that having been caught up in initial wedding date setting, I was neglecting school and work. Mainly, school. And at work I had been developing this huge new project. And then I found an apartment for us to move into. And then I remembered the 20 page seminariyon due the following week. Then I got caught up in buying my brother a $450 ticket to NY so he can come with me in February. Then I worked on that paper a bit. Then we lost the amazing apartment we found an hour before signing. Then my driving teacher calls me and tells me my test is the next day. Then I get caught up in finding a new apartment, as well as a subletter for his old one. Then – the paper! Then the driving test, which I’m sure is rigged. Then finding a new apartment, the same as the one we lost, and even kind of better. Then passing the driving test, which I’m still sure is rigged. Then, taking off work to go to school to organize taking my finals in English – especially the one for the sociology class I never attend because I choose to go to work instead [that was a packed day (yesterday)]. Then finding out the paper actually doesn’t have a due date. Then going to the office gala dinner and laughing a lot.
And to think, I’m marrying an Australian, and fully expected to be influenced by his “no worries” culture, only to have him sucked in to my crazy, speedy, energetic NYC lifestyle.
Well, we need to work on that. I’m not marrying an Aussie in Israel to live like an American in New York City.
Whadya got: