Our first court date.

Today I appeared in court (for me) for the first time ever.

…And it was a religious court. To prove I’m Jewish and single.

That involved dragging two friends with me. The problem is I don’t know many people here from the Old Country.

By the end (the whole thing only took 25 minutes) it seemed as though my rav-judge would have liked to deem me kosher, but needed someone who knew my parents from back in the States. I offered up another guy I could think of who is spending time in Israel right now – someone I grew up with, known for ages, though I haven’t seen him in ages either. He’s my rabbi’s son; this seemed like good enough witness fodder for the rav-judge.

So, back to the Beit Din I will go.

But not tomorrow. Like the Maccabi basketball team, I too cannot pull 3 for 3 (ouch).






  1. ifyouwillit Avatar

    We tried ;)

Whadya got: