Just when I thought there was nothing to publicly wonder about today…
…I get to the bus stop and ask between the middle aged Mizrahi woman and young Arse guy if the 24 has passed yet.
I guess that question isn’t as innocent as I assumed it was.
Mizrahi woman went off for 5 full minutes (until the bus showed up) about how the Arabs are evil and should get over themselves. It started like this:
“Who knows when the bus will come. Now that Egged is hiring Arabs, the buses never come.”
Uh. Whoa.
“For the sake of my children, my children’s children, my parents, (may they rest in peace), the soldiers, the female soldiers, the government, and all the people of Israel, they should just go, God should just get rid of them. I remember being in the army. I fought in a war. What are they doing here? Why do they think they should be here? And the worst is that they sit in the government. Can you believe that? They’re hearing all of our secrets… They sit in the government and learn everything. Things that we don’t get to know. I don’t know half the things they know. For the sake of my children, my children’s children, my parents, (may they rest in peace), the soldiers, the female soldiers, the government, and all the people of Israel…”
Arse guy was interjecting with comments, but both of us were kinda laughing at her softly… She’s a breed that is dying out. Who knows, maybe her parents had it hard in Morocco or Iraq. Arse guy tried to calm her down with reason, and I just smiled to myself, which Arse guy and Mizrahi woman both interpreted as me agreeing with her. I didn’t argue because I was amused by one thing –
I was amused by the fact that in 22 years of living in the States, I have never seen an American do that: sit at a bus stop with complete strangers and rant his/her opinion (which is not exactly friendly). In the nearly two years I’ve lived here, I’ve seen it happen countless times. Especially at bus stops.
And that’s the only reason I wanted to hug this woman, whether she’s crazy or not.
I guess it was also kinda funny how she had this ridiculously thick Arabish accent, being Mizrahi and all.
Whadya got: