What’s wrong with this picture?
Hint: It’s an AEPi house at the University of Pennsylvania in December.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Hint: It’s an AEPi house at the University of Pennsylvania in December.
Simple. AEPi is a Jewish frat.
who cares?
seasonal decorations don’t imply a loss of jewish faith. calm yourself.
I thought it was a cute irony.
LOL. Love it!
I find this very upsetting. The loss of Jewish faith and identity at the Gamma chapter is simply despicable. While the decline has been going on for some time now, it really accelerated during the Administration of one William Morel.
Having Holiday decorations up indicates a loss of Jewish faith???
I find that a bit closed-minded
May I remind you that Santa has traditionally nothing to do with Jesus and is derived from a pagan ritual…what’s next, Frosty the Snowman?
Let the kids have a little fun.
Oy gevalt! What schlemiel would do such a thing? Moses must be turning over in his grave.
OH YEAH BEECHES! WAT NOW! we taking ova
the decorations outside the house may not be jewish, but the girls who go there are…
– schneeb free 09
AEPi has really gone downhill since 1984
I hear Andy Borans is a huge bitch!
fuck you Andy… you are a racist hater of anything that’s not Jewish… get over yourself. you are a schneeb, please go away
1) Dear blogger, get a life
Gamma chapter has hated Andy Borans for 6 years now.. I cant wait until they finally fire his ass..We are slowly becoming schneeb free and if BORans stays away it will help…Hey ANdy come to our “How Christmas stole AEPI” party we dare you…
-the BLOC
who loves DAAAAdddoooo? definitely all the jewish girls who frequented the AEPI house that i slowly turned more and more gentile!!
Bring it on andy BORans (huge schneeebbb)!!
Borhands is so dogmatic because in his last life he was a priest…he touched me….a lot.
Every time I take a dump I check to make sure I’ve eaten enough fiber
sorry guys i’ve been jizzing in the lasy lasagna and using only fromunda cheese
can somebody let me out of the catacombs? ever since they built this wall i can’t get out. doesn’t anyone wanna come pledge please?
This is Staples! I put up the Santa decorations. Bring it suckahs!
Holy Macaroni!!!! What is with the Santa!
Ehhhh, I served with Santa in ‘Nam. He was definately a goy.
Wow! Andy Borans singing the same old song for thirty years! Using the same old code words he always used. For those not in-the-know, whenever Borans says “your chapter needs an ‘identity,’” he means “100% Jewish membership.”
AEPI Gamma does not belong to AEPI national, it belongs to the AEPI brothers on the PENN campus. They should run it the way they see fit. If AEPI national doesn’t like it, well tough tittie (or in Boran’s case, tough BITCH-tittie!).
Oh, by the way, a special message to Andy Borans: we all hated you in 1984 too…even the few guys in our chapter who wanted a %100 Jewish brotherhood couldn’t stand you.
Whadya got: