The one day my son did not wear his beloved black kippa to kindergarten was the one day I needed to take a portrait shot for Fifty-Two Frames.
Divine intervention?
Since living in Israel, never has it been more trendy to debate religious practice, engage or disengage from extremism, ritually cross-dress, or hate people you don’t actually know in real life.
Personally, I think it would be healthiest for us all to stand back and examine the big picture more often. And then turn to the person on our left or right and offer a compliment. And a listening ear.
What does the portrait mean? Is it cynical, is it thoughtful, is it offensive?
Portrait of a misguided Jewish nation.
(Hope I don’t get in Rav Ovadia Yosef’s way any time soon.)
Week 24: Portrait
Don’t judge a man until you’ve thought a mile under his head gear.
Whadya got: