6 things about supermarket shopping with my son


We’re at this point where I not only enjoy your one-on-one company, I actively look forward to it in many situations.

Honestly, for a long time, the supermarket was not one of them. And let’s establish that we still have to factor in the time of day, whether you’re hungry, and how much sugar you previously ingested in the last 30 minutes.

But today we were ripe for a nice uncomplicated weekly shop.

6 things about supermarket shopping with you, son:

  1. I love the questions. But there are so many. So many so early in the morning. While trying to accomplish six things at once.
    1. Why are we leaving the cart somewhere and coming back to it with stuff?
    2. How do you say אשכולית in English?
    3. Why can’t we get more kiwi?
    4. Why can’t we get this (enormous restaurant-sized) can of pickles?
  2. You have the capacity to say ‘Ima’ in a very loud voice two aisles over, repeating it many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times.
  3. Do you always have this much energy every morning? I need to go hug a gananet.
  4. Reason I’m awesome #986475: I somehow managed to explain basic household budget economics to you in the produce aisle while packing onions. That was after you begged for a few pineapples, more kiwi, and 100% apple juice; that wishlist of yours might actually be reason #986476.
  5. A real wordsmith, you are. No, I had never considered it, but another way to ask me for a food item is ‘give me something so it’s b’emet that is going to be yummy for in my mouth.’
  6. Just kidding! When I went down to pick up the groceries from the car, came back up, and called for you around the house because you’ve hidden somewhere, I learned it actually only takes me about .04 seconds to go from ha, that joker! to oh my god someone kidnapped him while I was downstairs.

Also, thanks for carrying the lettuce up the stairs. I totally had the rest.


Ima (Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima)





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