It’s an understatement to say this was a year that, half-way through, has been impacted by the biggest national crisis of your 15 years; this is a developing story so we will watch the developments roll… for years to come… In the meantime, though, it’s safe to say…
- Someone told me the year between 14 and 15 for boys is a significant one. I don’t know if there’s science to back that, but you’re a definite use case. This was indeed a pretty monumental year for your personal growth, frankly both physical and mental/emotional. You’re still *that* older brother, much to your sisters’ shared chagrin, but I’m betting *that* older brother morphs into something very role appropriate in the coming couple years…
- Motivation has been a big theme over the last year. We watched it flourish. You’re self driven; this idea of working on whatever you have to raise your profile and have a fighting chance at becoming an air force pilot… Man, whatever it takes. Go for it.
- And it’s clear this is just the start; the working out, the paying attention to details, the conscious and focused decisions what to study, the responsibility to put in the work even for the subjects you don’t like to study. There’s a new drive in you and it’s noticed.
- Your plans may change by choice or by circumstance, but you will no doubt gain skills and experience along the way, and that’s what builds a life. That’s what will bring you wisdom in the long run.
- The war… only adds to motivations, adds to this thing in Israeli teenage boyhood you’ve subscribed to now; get fit, get ready, because tzav giyus is coming. I mean, I thought it was far off but… I guess it’s not. I guess this is when it gets real.
- Before all that, though, you’ve found a way to lend your voice or actions; political cartoons you created, running the Jerusalem 10k with #TeamHersh. I’m proud you have that sense, even if it may look different to mine.
One thing I never ever want to change: You still come to me for advice. That’s a trait I’ll gladly lean into for as long as you need it.
Whadya got: