Author: Liz

  • Fellow working moms – it gets better.

    Fellow working moms – it gets better.

    I came home from the office one day last week and had this realization. It’s gotten better. Or… it becomes *different* as the kids get older, and so much becomes more tolerable, doable, and you know what? Also better.  Do my pre-teens still mime at me from behind my laptop while I’m on a Zoom, thinking I can…

  • In awe of nature, fire, and humans – another day in Tzur Hadassah.

    In awe of nature, fire, and humans – another day in Tzur Hadassah.

    On Friday, while driving back up the hill from an Ikea run, I found out my kids had been picked up from home by a friend because a forest fire went rogue coming too close to our residential area. By the time I saw the giant smoke cloud rising on the horizon, a text had…

  • When rockets fly overhead, look down at the grass.

    When rockets fly overhead, look down at the grass.

    When you’re a news junkie, everything sucks all the time. When you’re an optimist, you’ll never give up reading the news because something good is just around the corner. When you’re both… After 1.5 years of our co-directors building the 50:50 Startups tech accelerator against the backdrop of pandemic and evergreen conflict, it was really…

  • Sometimes it’s what you don’t say

    Like there isn’t enough… in what seems like one long endless day since Monday, a single period in a calendar that has been one long endless battle since the beginning of time… …is how fucking horrible Israeli comms handling has been. Between the IDF spokespeople and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This has been true…

  • This is decades-bad.

    It’s bad. It’s bad on so many levels. Personally, we are ok in our area. A given Israeli’s frontline concerns depend on where exactly they are located. For us on this side, the very rare siren in the last 15 years is not much of an issue. That can’t be said for every corner of…

  • Hi from a new chapter in an old story.

    Hi from a new chapter in an old story.

    After a year and a half of emotional exhaustion, it’s shocking and also not shocking to learn that it’s possible to be even more deeply emotionally exhausted. With each passing rocket or gunshot or stabbing or counterstrike, another slice of the next generation loses the chance to grow up not knowing what we know. More…

  • Koala update: twelve years

    Koala update: twelve years

    To the boy who is ~5 inches from towering over me, It’s getting real. Twelve years of you, of figuring all this out, it’s always been real, yes, but now it’s puberty real. It’s preteen real. It’s who is this giant boy in my house real. So we’re both navigating it. You have questions, and…

  • Zooey update: five years

    Zooey update: five years

    My youngest turns five today. Zooey, we’re full-on into that tug-o-war over getting bigger and staying baby… It’s not even day on, day off; it’s sometimes in five minute intervals. But I don’t begrudge you that; it’s been a year of fading boundaries, loose definitions, lost assumptions. Out of everyone, this year might have done…

  • Bebe update: ten years

    Bebe update: ten years

    I’d say that over the last decade, this feeling I’m about to describe has always been present in amounts, more often taken for granted – the swath of peace that came with you as a newborn, the displays of empathy that radiated from you as a toddler, the abundance of friendliness you have displayed as…

  • Nettles update: seven years

    Nettles update: seven years

    If last year’s birthday felt totally eye-glazed and desolate… the year that followed was like being trapped in a box but actually, the box helped you break out while stuck inside. I’m not sure where to begin as far as how you’ve forged ahead, and continued growing, refusing to fall behind or be let down.…

  • Time flies. Time heals. It’s time.

    Time flies. Time heals. It’s time.

    Warning: I don’t have anything brilliant to say. I just have a bunch of feelings bubbling up within the 24 hour countdown to President-elect Biden’s inauguration. And I haven’t gotten political here for years, and I find these topics so complex and my time so limited I can’t express them fully here, so I’d prefer…

  • Hindsight is, after all, 2020: My end of (the longest) year review

    Hindsight is, after all, 2020: My end of (the longest) year review

    “It’s the year of cliche conference names! The year of too-easy cable news slogans! The year that will produce endless ‘hindsight is…’ memes!” That’s what I was saying this time last year. So here we are, and it really wasn’t. Something as frivolous as a year’s round, meaningful number just… barely came up in 2020.…