Tag: bebe update
Bebe update: twelve years
A lot of people don’t know how to make choices. I don’t mean the right choices. I mean, how to go about choosing. Not only do you relish in making choices, you know how. Or it’s innate, at least. It comes easy to you. Whatever is going on in there is an actual thinking process.…
To my bat mitzvah.
I could choose to roll my eyes at having to come up with another dvar torah related to one of my kids’ various Vayikra parshas – just a year later – but instead, I’ll leave the korbanot and the cohanim behind. Really, we have one word to focus on – look no further than the…
Bebe update: eleven years
Been trying to remember what it was like being 11. It definitely wasn’t like how you do even 10, to be honest. So mature, so ahead of your time, and still so fun-loving and free and not bothered by what other people think. Let’s start with sister – man I wish I had an older…
Bebe update: ten years
I’d say that over the last decade, this feeling I’m about to describe has always been present in amounts, more often taken for granted – the swath of peace that came with you as a newborn, the displays of empathy that radiated from you as a toddler, the abundance of friendliness you have displayed as…
Bebe update: nine years
I am new at this having-a-daughter thing, even if I’m nine years in. In fact, each passing day I am new at it. Are we ever not new at it? You may have an older brother, but you’re definitely the oldest sister; your sisters look up to you – especially Nettles, who worships you at…
Bebe update: Eight years
Eight years ago, the universe gave me a gift. It’s not just that I had my second baby, or my first daughter, or a calm birth. Somehow I had been a partner in creating and developing and now maintaining an actual Angel. I think whatever angels are supposed to mean for different people, a common…
Bebe update: Seven years
To my Goon… for your jokes that make us laugh whether we get them or not (keep workshopping), your knowing what you want (and getting stronger about asking for it), your self awareness, your basic instinct to share, to smile, to make others feel good about themselves, your honesty, your allergy to napkins and silverware,…
Soft hair.
“Ima, feel how soft my hair is.” How many times have we said/heard our girl friends say this? “Ima my hair is so smooth today, I used extra conditioner.” She has thick hair and it gets knotty; I tell her to use double. “Ima, <boy friend> is going to love it…” Huh? “He tells me…
Bebe update: six years
This is the year, Bebe. The year I start to feel the weight of what it is to raise a daughter. There’s something about this year – kindergarten, the oldest of the gan years, first grade prep, heightened self awareness, heightened emotional intelligence, deeper self expression. Taking more responsibility. Finding love in different places. Volunteering…
Bebe update: five and a half years
Bebe, We enjoyed such a great summer together. It was the highlight of the last half year. Your curiosity is my favorite thing I discovered about you. You’ve got to touch and smell and feel and wonder at everything. It’s your age, and it’s you. Wearing a flowery dress to feel pretty, while exploring a…
A dream horse come true.
Because it’s so obvious I’m going to just lay it out, plain and simple. Because it’s so cliche, I’m going to hide behind my hands while doing it, peeking out between two fingers: Once upon a time, there was a little girl who spent her early childhood in the 1980’s, into the 1990’s. It was…
Not just a fairy tale: the Determined Mother, the Five-Year-Old, and the Princess Birthday Party
While I knew I couldn’t hold out forever, I didn’t think it would be this soon. Bebe proudly declared: “I want a princess party this year!” Always up for a challenge, I knew I could make this work – make my daughter insanely happy at her 5-year birthday party while pass down and keep some…