Tag: English
Holiday deal: Get your own set of Tool & Brains (a $20 value!)
For only NIS 79.99, you can… both protect yourself from zombies and eat like one… fix something right the first time… totally confuse your English-learning child… Get your own set at a Beitar Illit Rami Levy near you.
The magic of being bilingual.
On the way to gan this morning, Koala spotted a firetruck on the road. Obviously, this made his morning, and for the rest of the way cried out in excitement, “Fire truck! Fire truck woke up! Fire truck is here!” He was still talking about it as we walked up to the gan door, so…
Fadichot leaking all over the place.
Every other week or so when I pick up Koala from his gan, his ganenet passes me the pants I dressed him in that day and I look down and see him wearing the poofy red replacement pants we keep there. Always with the same explanation: “He leaked again so we changed him…” I guess…
Immigrant parenting fail.
Ok, maybe I don’t exactly fail yet. But I’m headed in that direction. I attended an event tonight for the ‘gan mothers’ for which I had to push myself to go, and, not surprisingly, a room full of women + socializing + not knowing anyone + doing it in Hebrew is a mess of a…
Bo, mama.
I may correct your Hebrew now, but sometime in the future – possibly the near future – you will be correcting mine.
Today’s moment of Zen.
I said to Koala: “Are you a קוף?” And he looked at me and… coughed.
What have I done?
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaked. Though the truth is it’s only starting to dawn on me how awe-some and terrifying it is. I’m beginning to comprehend what I’ve done. It really is dawning; first the expectation of the rise, and then the initial tips of the rays. Pretty soon I think…
Two mothers.
My mother is a split personality. As long as I’ve known her, this has been the case. She can speak two languages fluently: her mother tongue, English, a language that rolls off her tongue like rain dripping down a car window in the summer; and Hebrew, a language she has been tripping over since they…
Beware the crabits in your cards…
Is it passe to make fun of English spelling mistakes on Israeli marketing products? Eh, I still find it amusing and I’m sure one day my kids will make fun of me for the Hebrew mistakes I make in the little notes in their lunchboxes. Anyway, I am offering a public service announcement about what…
Another opportunity to volunteer with Sudanese refugees in Israel.
UPDATE: New info posted for volunteer opportunities to help African asylum seekers in Israel. After I posted about volunteer opportunities with Sudanese refugees in Israel, a few people asked me for more details. While I didn’t have them (but did have the contact details of people who did) I now have more information regarding an opportunity to…
People-watching in a mirror.
Waiting for my mom at the airport this morning, I got to engage in the curious ritual that is people-watching. Airport arrival halls are the best places to people-watch. This pre-holiday Friday morning was even more interesting. One family particularly stood out to me. I watched a middle-aged couple – probably around my mother’s age…