Tag: grafitti
Was it you?
Cooped up in my office tower these last months, I’ve missed wandering the streets and stumbling upon Israeli/Jerusalem street art/graffiti. And for a while now, I too have been wondering: Who moved my chair?
It's also how babies are made.
A friend of my husband comes to Israel every once in a while and takes pleasure in his hobby of street arting Jerusalem. He comes equipped with a message and a talent. Thankfully, he also has a sense of humor: The Hebrew reads: “HaNitzachon HaAmiti” or, “The true victory” and the graphic is… well, you…
The Atari of Jerusalem.
If you live in, or even visit Jerusalem, you can’t help but come across some very – creative – street art. It’s taken pretty seriously and also not seriously. Personally, I think street art is the new bumper sticker as far as Israeli political/social expression. Unless, of course, it’s just meant for smiles. Here it…