Tag: life

  • If Elie Weisel were my grandfather…

    I want Elie Weisel to come tuck me in at night and tell me stories… They don’t all have to be depressing just because they come from a Nobel Peace Prize-winning, bestselling author of a Holocaust survivor. Although they would probably all be dramatic. Here is Mr. Weisel telling his favorite, inspiring story at the…

  • An Israeli county fair in the dream of aliyah.

    Spent the evening strolling around the Yom Haatzmaut celebration going on in the Tzur Hadassah elementary schoolyard. Clowns, kids, silly string, shaving cream, noise makers, cotton candy, lights, balloons… This no singles’ event. I started reading old entries from a few years ago, describing my purpose for moving to Israel, my role in the aliyah…

  • Separation anxiety and the wandering me.

    My professor had us draw a chart describing an experience of separation we’ve gone in childhood, teenage years, as an adult and also one that we expect in the next five or so years. Oddly, the easiest phase to fill out was the last; it came to me immediately and it’s a wonder that little…

  • Feeling the home land.

    After almost a week of driving back and forth to work through trees and hills (the way God intended, no doubt) I have to say that it’s as if I’m only just now settling into my Israeli life. Jerusalem is more international, more global… in importance, position, people. It was a very different Israel, if…

  • Morning Jerusalem.

    This morning was the first time in a long time that my heart sang for Jerusalem. It was 5:45 am and we were in a cab on the way to the bus station. The sky was dark and the air was crisp. The streets were almost empty. And my heart was stirring a song for…

  • I miss my roommate.

    So, the past week has been one big proof that marriage really works for me. Husband has been in London for a week-long trip of aliyah expos and I’ve been keeping the apartment… um… well, keeping it. The dishes have been hanging out on the counter (they’re close friends now), the dinners have been –…