Category: koala update

  • Zooey update: five months

    It doesn’t matter how many babies you’ve had before. Or that they all looked like they came from the same mold. You’ll find yourself to sound repetitive, but also very very sincere, every few childbearing years. So… hi Zooey. You are the cutest, smooshiest chubba chub I’ve ever bitten into. To be fair – you…

  • Zooey update: four months

    We’re in the States on a family visit and Zooey turns four months. The themes of the last month include: Very social smiles turn into very surprised sadness quickly… a rainbow of emotions. Sisters in your face… Cosby show style… Coos and coos and coos – there’s a lot to say, apparently. Also bubbles and…

  • Summer of mom.

    I’ve been having the best time and I want to tell you about it. But first, a disclaimer – there’s a lot of grief out there – sanctimommies and all that – but I’m being completely honest, no-holier-than-thou, and you can trust me because my kids haven’t really had lunch in a couple weeks and…

  • Zooey update: three months

    Zoooooooey! Biggest mind blown moment of this month: when we weighed you and you were 5 kilo just after turning two months. So that means we have more to mush, kiss, bite, pinch and tickle than I ever had with your siblings at this point. Obviously your smiling, silent laughing, coo laughing, and laughing in…

  • Zooey update: two months

    Eight weeks, eight questions for you, Zooey. How did you manage to form a perfect side-eye in just a  few weeks?  How do you feel about the fact that I keep dressing you in blue because Koala’s leftovers are the best kept clothes so far, and everyone tells me my son is adorable and I’m…

  • Oh, just another childbirth.

    Oh, just another childbirth.

    Here’s what I felt more than anything after the birth of my fourth nearly two months ago: so, so grateful. I’ve felt very lucky to have had mostly positive experiences in pregnancy and childbirth, even if at times there has also been frustration, stress, and fear. My heart goes out to women and their partners…

  • Welcome to the weird, Zooey.

    Hi Zooey. Just taking this quick opportunity to explain to you why Zooey? Nothing significant,  nothing overwhelmingly meaningful (or underwhelmingly meaningful). When your mama comes up with a blog nickname, it’s not going to necessary mean anything at all. In your case, it was as simple as this: I was watching this old SNL skit…

  • Koala update: seven years

    Koala, This was a great year – I loved going through age six with you. The questions you ask. The interests you take on. The requests you make, constantly, for an ‘iPhone, iPad, or even a computer.’ Uh huh. Anyway, I can’t keep up with you. Here are (just) seven new things you learned to do…

  • Hey girrrrl.

    Slid into home plate just 18 hours shy of her due date… welcome baby girl! It will take a little while to fill in the details (hint – this is back dated). But we’re pumped for a brand new story to tell.

  • Bebe update: five years

    For the sweetest person I know, I want for you strength. For you to recognize the right time and place. To continue loving the little things, for not even knowing what is ‘little’. I want for you to recognize your power. I want for your love to never be bound. For your creativity to go…

  • Nettles update: two years

    Nettles, It feels like there has never been any life without you in it. You are a puzzle piece that simply fit right in. But there is nothing simple or obvious about you. “Third child” is a phrase I’ve tried to stop saying in the last few months – it doesn’t do you justice to label…

  • Nettles update: twenty three months

    If I had to sum up 23-month Nettles in one picture… Here’s the story: One night last week, we hear a loud thump and screaming. We dash upstairs and Nettles had climbed out of the crib and fallen, presumably on her head. The next day, it happens she’s home from gan and I put her…