Category: news is news

  • The first victim on 9/11.

    Ok, I think this will be the last time I cry over 9/11 this year. No promises, though. A hero’s tale: Daniel Levin was murdered by the hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11 just moments before they crashed it into the World Trade Center. A decade later, his family speaks for the very first time. …

  • Don’t be colorblind.

    Doesn’t matter which side of the line you’re on. Or which color: black, white, orange, blue, or a comfortable shade of gray. We might revere the S word or despise it. But we can’t ignore it. For any stripe, it’s important we all watch it happening, to be sure we are seeing with our own…

  • A thought on respect.

    Can you imagine if September 11 was a shopping day? A day for sales? A 4-day weekend? Why can’t the general American Memorial Day get even 1% of the respect we give to the September 11 memorial? Yes, the latter is a specific event. Yes, it was only ten years ago, freshly tattooed to our…

  • Oh, THAT’S what the Israeli summer protests were about.

    Is Ynet even trying? Did they ever? Always good for a laugh, whatever the case. I still don’t know where I stand with Israel’s summer 2011 socio-economic national protest. That’s because I still don’t know where it stands. But, nonetheless, I think we can all agree: You can’t find good shwarma in New York City.…

  • Dedicated to Hadas.

    When I was 8-9 months pregnant with Bebe, cold-blooded murderers swept into a sleeping family’s Itamar home on Shabbat and slaughtered defenseless parents and harmless children. One of the victims was Hadas Fogel, a baby just a few months old. I haven’t stopped thinking of Hadas since then. Once in a while, I’ll look at…

  • Israel’s National Cleanup Day – one little bottle.

    This just gave me all kinds of happiness. A video in honor of National Cleanup Day in Israel, which was held March 29th, organized by the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection. Not that we ever knew such a ministry existed. Not that most of us probably knew about the occasion at all… Maybe the video…

  • Israel medical aid in Japan. Also, please let go.

    Here’s a feel-good video from the IDF blog featuring the IDF medical team in Japan right now, helping in the damage zones. Apparently Israel’s medical team was the first foreign aid to set up a mobile hospital in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami. It’s really nice to see IDF footage shared in a positive…

  • Living’s not easy.

    Sigh. Bombing in Jerusalem, rock-throwing in Gush, missiles in Beer Sheva… Welcome to summer time in Israel.

  • Arabs and Jews, mothers and babies, Amalek and us.

    I don’t like getting political because I’ve been there and it’s an energy-sucking lifestyle. But a few events are coming together that make me have to say this. The Itamar murders were the utmost in terror and hate crime. Killing defenseless people – children – in their sleep is the utmost in cowardly and not…

  • Itamar family murder photos: A valid weapon? To what degree?

    This is a response to an ongoing conversation I’ve been having/seeing on Facebook, reacting to the sharing of images of the bodies of the Itamar terror-murder victims, including the three children who were stabbed to death (note: neither of those links contain the images). The issue has been that folks are posting the images of…

  • Home and away.

    There’s a lot to take in this motzei Shabbat… Catching up on the reality in Japan after Friday’s earthquake and tsunami disaster, and then reading about the horrific murders of two sleeping parents, two sleeping children and a sleeping newborn here, a few dozen kilometers from home, on Friday night. Natural disasters make me feel…

  • Fire preparedness.

    No winter, an idiot burning trash, a dry forest – Haifa has way too much light this Chanukah. The news has become international that for the last 24 hours 5,000 acres of Haifa (Carmel) is drowning in the worst fire in Israel’s history. Israel is great at being prepared for terrorist threat, thorough in airport…