Category: what a country

  • Short film: Strangers.

    This short (7 minutes short) Israeli film is six years old, and I saw it for the first time today. Thought I’d share it further in case you’re not one of the 1.2 million people who have already watched it… Directed, written and produced by Erez Tadmor and Guy Nattiv. It’s a nice thought. I like…

  • The Israeli summer daycare problem.

    I’m getting desperate. I don’t like me when I’m desperate. Here’s the deal: I have a wonderful metapelet. There are always pros and cons, things you wouldn’t do yourself, things you wish you didn’t know. But overall, she’s great and my son adores her (and she adores him). Which is why it’s been easy to…

  • Petting zoo don'ts.

    You know what’s always fun? Zoos. We took Koala to Jerusalem’s Biblical Zoo on erev Shavuot to meet the animals, just like Curious George in that version of the book where he pretty much gets rewarded for feeding the animals when he wasn’t supposed to and I never really understood that, considering you’re supposed to…

  • Isn't that an oxymoron?

    I didn’t know there was such a thing. Even a five-year veteran learns new things every day. As strange as ‘elite arak’ seems, in all it was a decent wine shop in Talpiot at 37 Pierre Koenig.

  • Bad cops. #fail

    Can you call the cops… on the cops? The Israeli Po Po need a lesson in legality, or at least car-packing safety. This issue in general pisses me off, above and beyond. Israeli traffic cops don’t enforce the law enough. Sure, once in a blue moon you’ll see a guy pulled over or you’ll see…

  • Once in a lifetime.

    It’s not every day – nay, every month – wait, every year?  – that you see something like this on an Israeli construction site: Amazing, isn’t it? סיימנו. It’s just a word, but it’s a whole lot more, too. ‘We completed it.’ What a feeling! What a way to be! On top of that, the…

  • Yom Haatzmaut this year.

    My flight is on erev Yom Haatmzaut – the eve of Independence Day here in Israel. That is THE day of the year: everyone takes off work, everyone goes to parks, everyone barbecues as much meat as they can, and everyone coughs a lot and experiences stinging eyeballs as the other entire country is crammed…

  • Car seat FAIL.

    Aright, I know in Israel they are really into putting car seats in the front, but c’mon… #FAIL.

  • Life lessons in Tel Aviv.

    I was in Tel Aviv today for the Bird Brain Unconference. The event was great, thanks for asking, but then three things happened that left me feeling like I learned about more than just Vardi awesomeness and actual birds. 1. Cabbie culture. I don’t take cabs often because I hate the experience of feeling waited…

  • Camels and TV channels? Hasbara misses the point.

    Israel’s new Ministry of Hasbara and Diaspora is not a shocking development, though probably ten years late. The thing is, it seems it’s completely missing the point. The heart is in the right place, but the message is… a bit off. The videos on the homepage: Do British people honestly think we ride camels? Who…

  • Israeli Innovation.

    When I think of ‘Israeli Innovation’ here are some of the associations I make: micro chips water purification desert irrigation swallow-able pill-cameras Google, Intel, IBM R&D centers Uzis What I don’t think of is… hair conditioner. I did pretty well though for 10 shekel. Product of the year!

  • Hopefully a happy יום המשפחה (Family Day).

    Five years in Israel, and this is the first one where “יום המשפחה” or “Family Day” has caught my attention. Well, it figures. What used to be Mother’s Day here in Israel evolved into Family Day, including celebration of mother, father, grandparents, or whoever is taking care of you. It’s not a Hallmark holiday; there…