Tag: Tree of Life Synagogue
It’s too sad.
It’s been unexpectedly bizarre dealing with my feelings about the horrific slaughter of 11 worshipping Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue this past Shabbat. So many aspects to this are too soul crushing – …it was a brit mila ceremony… …it was a house of worship… …it was way closer to home… …it was…
A synagogue into a slaughterhouse makes us wonder: what the hell happened to us?
11 Jewish congregants were slaughtered by an anti-Semite with an assault rifle. It’s a timeless tale. A baby was being accepted into the covenant. A timeless tale. The blood of the akaida, delivered by an enemy, the Angel of Hatred, of Spite, of Terror, of Death. And yet… “They should have been armed.” “Around the…