Tag: wine
Fifty-Two Frames: 5PM
True story. Way back in the day, when I had my first full time job in Israel, and I was a part time student, living in a raggedy apartment with great friends… this is what I had to come home to. And now… you can’t possibly beat now. Week 25: 5PM 5pm, circa 2008 BC…
We Eldan/אלדן customers (suckers?) have been getting צ’ופר-ed up the wazoo lately. It’s either time for renewal or the competition is striking. But this latest gift is enough to get drunk on (sweet!): I’m going to proudly display the wine at my Rosh Hashana table so everyone knows which car leasing company is the very…
Ella Valley winery.
My father’s in town, and as I got my habit of fermented grape-consumption from somewhere, we took him over to Ella Valley winery. The Ella Valley is just about my backyard, nestled in Matte Yehuda. It’s lush, it’s green, and according to the winery’s 6-minute propaganda video, it’s the perfect place to grow the right…