Tag: Zionism
Yom Haaztmaut 5774: Three reasons why
‘Why did you move to Israel?’ We get asked that a lot, don’t we? Here’s my #1 reason 9 years ago, and my #1 reason now: Children who know no differently… The list of reasons for living in Israel grows each year I live and learn here. This year it grew by way of another…
Fifty-Two Frames: In the beginning
I’m not one for cheesy Zionism, but with my aliyah anniversary passing a week ago, and Ariel Sharon passing yesterday, and my submission down to the wire at 5:45pm, I decided, why not. This would be the week for that. I had spotted this scene every day and neglected to take a photo until Thursday.…
The difference direction makes.
The recipe for aliyah success is a complicated set of characterstics; not because what is required but because I think attaining what is required is seeded way before making aliyah. I’ve mentioned creativity, open-mindedness and flexibility before. One other major ingredient in this recipe, I’ve discovered, is direction. Now, direction is an ingredient for many…
On museums and Annapolis – shmalapolis.
Jerusalem is once again hosting חמשושלים, that period when museums go late Thursday nights and restaurants discount themselves for the weekend.We chose to visit the Menachem Begin Heritage Center. I never felt any specific or strong feelings towards Menachem Begin – the sixth prime minister of Israel and former Beitar movement head and Irgun strategizer.…