Month: July 2006

  • Stars for winners!****

    My first* World Cup and my** team won***! * First one I paid attention too ever.** “my”, as in, I certainly wasn’t going for France.*** Man, they stole the thing in the tie-breaking kick offs, when really they were exhausted and should have lost early, but good on them!**** It’s late, and that’s the subject…

  • Everybody is not a telemarketer.

    It seems I never really clarified what I do for a paycheck here. When I used to tell people I worked in marketing for, they’d always reply, ‘oh, like telemarketing?’ and that would seriously irk me. That might seriously irk a telemarketer, too, because I’d be an insult to the telemarketing industry, but it…

  • Vitamin Z.


  • On culture.

    Here’s my contribution to July 4th, apparently, since I totally forgot about it: Friend: Happy 4th of July. I have a question for you: If I were compiling a list of things for foreigners to know about dealing with Israelis, what would jump to mind? On cultural differences: So I’d say that there are a…

  • HaHippo SheMaod Re'ev.

    Um. I tried to translate a joke about Hungry Hungry Hippo to a Russian guy.Not that funny in Hebrew.

  • Invitation – check.

  • Lizrael Update, on vacation.

    We took a much (and still) needed weekend vacation (including Sunday!) up North in Kfar Tavor. That, after rushing to finish the ungodly task of preparing, stuffing and mailing the invitations (after a few mistakes, obviously). It was so quiet, so unIsrael. We stayed in a bungalow surrounded by flowers and grapevines, swam in a…