Month: August 2006

  • August 9th.

    It’s August 9th. It marks a full month of fighting up North and in Lebanon. It’s also the day I’m getting married here, in Jerusalem. My country is in wartime, and some wedding guests and band members were called up in the last few days. It could be worse. There are hundreds of couples from…

  • Holy swimming.

    I took my first dip in a mikvah tonight. I suppose this is supposed to be a private-spiritual thing, but as I’m not feeling so spiritual lately and it didn’t seem so private, I’ll say something about it. It feels great to be a part of something larger than youself once in awhile. It’s not…

  • Cancer vs. rocket.

    The following is an excerpt of an email from my cousin, whose 11 year old daughter is beating cancer. Kinda makes you realize what real life is like up North. “Dear Friends and Relations, We got GOOD NEWS today about K!! She had a PET CT scan last week to see how effective the chemotherapy…

  • Bachlorette bride.

    Good times. Friends got ass, I got dance, and we all enjoyed being the hottest people there, even if we were among mostly arsim.

  • So close.

    I am well taken-care of: (surpise) Bridal shower – check.Shabbat Kalla – check.Bachlorette party – check. Let’s see how I do on Wednesday. >Hiccup

  • Interviewed.

    Check it out, I was interviewed on Iraqi Bloggers Central for a special section of Israeli bloggers on the Israel/Hezbullah/Lebanon conflict: Eliesheva’s interview.

  • Just cheerleading.

    In a recent interview, General Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward Hizbollah. The General said, “I believe that forgiving Hizbollah is God’s function. The Israelis’ job is to arrange the meeting.”