We’re in the States on a family visit and Zooey turns four months.
The themes of the last month include:
- Very social smiles turn into very surprised sadness quickly… a rainbow of emotions.
- Sisters in your face… Cosby show style…
- Coos and coos and coos – there’s a lot to say, apparently.
- Also bubbles and drool. A lot of bubbles and drool.
- Wearing baby scrubs and otherwise modelling outfits your siblings never got through
- Chub thighs. So proud of those.
- Your second trip abroad in your lifetime. Ten-hour flights? No problem.
- Desperately trying to figure out what will make you ok with sitting in the car… new car seats… mirrors… siblings’ singing… a creepy doll staring at you? Nope nope nope.
Whadya got: