Something so jarring about the tone of today is… the judgment.
It has always been there. Swirling around our social media accounts. The side eye. The assumption. The smirk. The outright disdain. But doesn’t it feel so much more rich these days? There’s so much to judge.
Trump. Liberals. Other countries’ handling of coronavirus. People who refuse to wear masks. People who mask-shame. Black Lives Matter protesters. Black Lives Matter protesters not wearing masks. Counter BLM protesters. People shouting racist things with a camera in their face. People filming it. Trump supporters. Bernie bros. Hillary Clinton’s emails. People seeking a safe space. People open carrying weapons into a Starbucks. Trans people. Non-trans people who comment on trans people. Female leaders of countries battling coronavirus. Male leaders of countries battling coronavirus. China, as a whole. China, the government. China, the people. The next pandemic. Local government. Hyperlocal government. The Knesset. The party you didn’t vote for in the Knesset. The majority. The opposition. People for annexation. People against annexation. People who won’t vote. People who will vote third party. Kanye West. Judgy people.
I was already thinking about it before this photo started making the rounds yesterday:
Everyone has a comment. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has a better guess.
Don’t you?
We are all judges today. Every one of us.
And the thing about judges is – they don’t come in one size fits all.
Right? In history, in bible, there have been compassionate judges. They serve decrees and punishment but they can appreciate the human in all of us.
During such upheaval, in such uncertain times – we don’t have to agree; but do we have to condemn? And if we condemn, do we have to do it while stripping away the human in us?
Whadya got: