Category: lizrael update

  • Why I made aliyah: My new answer.

    It’s been a long couple of weeks. I haven’t had much to say and haven’t been wanting to think about the news. I’m currently a bachelorette living in this big apartment since my roommate went to Australia for two weeks. I’ve got a lot of school work to do and a lot of work work…

  • Live, from Tzur Hadassah.

    The move went surprisingly well on Sunday. We’re here, unpacked and spoiled in this young building with its (existent) heating system and modern tiles. Katamo-who? Alas, I am still exhausted from the last three days of little sleep, zero nutrition and inevitable fatigue, so I will post some gorgeous views from my kumah bet apartment…

  • Moving update.

    We’ve been hitting snags in the moving process. Like the fact that we didn’t move last week so that we could be cozy in Tzur Hadassah for this snowstorm. Our current landlords are giving us issues and because of the snow, the tenants at our future apartment are having issues getting their kablan to finish…

  • Danger ahead: Israelis with car.

    On Thursday, we gained control of one of the most dangerous Israeli weapons in the rather wide arsenal. No, we don’t have shwarma breath… We got a car. Or, at least, we’re babysitting one for a coworker for the next month until we begin leasing one of our very own from my company. Either way,…

  • Today I turn three… and am no longer 'new'.

    So apparently, starting today, I am no longer considered an olah chadasha (new immigrant). That seems to be the consensus from other olim, the Israeli government and Nefesh b’Nefesh. Do I feel vatik (senior)? Certainly not… But I suppose I don’t feel new anymore, either. Whatever I am in numbers or years, I know that…

  • A futuristic lizrael update.

    Lots of people are talking about ringing in a new year – at work, in the news, on the party scene. I’m not much of a New Years gal, but it seems 2008 holds a bunch of new experiences for me, before it’s even begun. The year starts for me with recognizing the fact that…

  • An academic lizrael update.

    *Yawn*. *Stretch*. It’s a sunny winter Sunday. Today is as good as any to update about the awful university situation in Israel right now. Basically, I have no idea what is going to happen for the rest of the year because the department heads, university presidents, strikers and government don’t know. Somewhere in this giant,…

  • American self discovery (finally, a use for my English major)

    I finished Slaughterhouse-Five today on my way across Jerusalem. One of the most finger-pointing themes of the book – relevant to me these days – is expressed in the following lines, by character Howard W. Campbell Jr., as he describes American prisoners of war compared to others. “[Americans] were known everywhere to be the most self-pitying,…

  • Soup pots, suburbs, perspective.

    Two years ago tonight – first night of Chanukah – we got engaged over a soup pot, and two years later – today – we signed a contract to move out to the suburbs. The Tzur Hadassah deal is done: we are moving to a new apartment in February, way out there past the city of Jerusalem. Moving…

  • Energized in pre-sunrise.

    It’s 4:22 am in Jerusalem. It’s freezing. I like it. The season is changing. The summer is ending, and I’m ok with that. Frankly, it was a bit dull. I’m looking forward to shlav ha’ba, the next stage. For some reason, I have this feeling of excitement, that huge things are coming. Is it the…

  • Motherland.

    My mom is arriving in Israel tomorrow, bright and early (or rather, early and very dark, before sunrise). It’s her third trip to Israel and her third time coming all the way out here to visit me. It’s always exciting to get visitors out here, especially those among my inner-most circle. With my mom, it’s…

  • Lizrael Update: Back to basics.

    To get inspired, I think you need, at minimum, two things: 1. An open mind.2. Surroundings with potential to inspire. I guess they are both the same thing: It’s all about being open to everything around you having the potential to inspire. If you sit around and wait for people to inspire you, you may…