Category: religiousness

  • Purim roundup.

    Purim is a different kind of fun with a kid. I don’t think mine’s old enough to be the truly fun kind of kid fun, but we’re getting there. It’s also super-exhausting, although that might have to do with the second baby I’m carrying around. Here are some of the highlights: We got through most…

  • Banking on Purim.

    Here’s what it’s like for Abba and Mama to sign a whole fuck-ton of mortgage papers at the bank on Purim… through the eyes of a nearly two-year-old cookie lover: Koala became very concerned at the whereabouts of our Minnie Mouse-attired bank rep whenever she got up to copy documents. Today has seen a lot…

  • On living outside Israel.

    It happens every time I visit the States: I spend about 35% of the time thinking about the reasons I could and couldn’t live there. By now, the couldn’ts far outweigh the coulds. So it stands to reason that I’m going through the same process here in Melbourne. It’s different, of course, because it’s not…

  • Chanukah 5771 roundup.

    Well, that escalated quickly. I thought Chanukah with a non-infant kid would be more fun, but I guess Chanukah with two non-infant kids will be more like it. Except for when there’s no school the whole week and I want to rip out my hair like I see my coworkers doing. But the 8 crazy…

  • It Gets Better, Jew.0 (have to share, and keep sharing).

    The It Gets Better Project, a series of videos by famous and non-famous people coming out on being hopeful for LGBT teens, has been catching attention around the social media corners I hang out in. But I wonder if, aside from the teens who need the support, the misguided/hateful/ignorant people at the core of the problem are…

  • Gay Jews, straight Jews, mitzva-observing Jews.

    This is already a week old, but I really wanted to share it again here: Shmuley Boteach’s take on homosexuality in Judaism. Whether you’re a fan or a foe, I think it’s a well-thought out and ballsy read. Give it a try: No Holds Barred: The Jewish view of homosexuality A few of my favorite…

  • If only religion was kid art…

    I wonder what today is like for a girl named Shayna Tova. The shana tova greetings keep coming in, and somehow I manage to forget the whole sentimental aspect of this holiday till the day of. Here’s hoping for a great year, where we get the things we need and lose the things that weigh…

  • Ynet is the authority on Haredi weddings.

    Ynet did it again. This isn’t the second time I’ve noticed the blatant anti-religious fervor that an Israeli newspaper is purposely trying to spread. This is the 328975623th time. I used to actually enjoy reading Ynet. It was one of the central papers; sitting somewhere between JPost and Haaretz (in English, anyway). Their credibility has…

  • Fanning hatred on the 9th of Av.

    Can someone explain to me how publishing an article about which Israeli demographic hates which other Israeli demographic is supposed to be appropriate for Tisha B’Av? Why so negative, Ynet? Why stir the pot of hatred and conflict and darkness? As a Jew who studied for years and years about Jewish history, as a student…

  • Something fishy…

    What’s wrong/funny/ironic/totally normal (depending on your point of view) about this picture?

  • Purim, baby-style.

    Nothing like Purim to separate the early-risers from the late-bed goers from the up all night due to teething painers. Wait, I think we were actually all three… In many ways, Purim is more fun when you have an extra body to shove into a costume. But you kinda miss out on the party-parties. Still…

  • Happy C!

    Chanukah is 7347593x better when there is a little one in your home. I’m sure it’s twice that when the little one is old enough to appreciate it better. But for now, this is pretty awesome too. Happy Chanukah 5770!