Category: tzur hadassah

  • Israeli flag protekzia.

    Someone is watching over us. Taking care that we do right by our adopted citizenhood. And that someone… is our mortgage bank representative. She happens to live in Tzur Hadassah, and her home happens to be located at the bottom of the hill our apartment overlooks. And now that she knows exactly where we live…

  • Pizza has come to Tzur Hadassah.

    As I recently reported, Tzur Hadassah now has the one business that could ruin my entire post-pregnancy weight-loss scheme: a pizza shop. It’s called טומטו Pie (02-6503355) and it’s nestled in the row of shops on Rechasim street. And today, I tried it. Doesn’t it look good? I was excited by the look of it,…

  • Set your aspirations high…

    …and your expectations low. Spotted in Tzur Hadassah: an effort to be funny and effective! Stickers adorning the public garbage cans, with the following message: אם כל אחד לא ילכלך, יהיה פה נקי כמו בשוויץ If everyone wouldn’t make a mess, it could be clean here like in Switzerland. Nice touch, Va’ad Tzur Hadassah! Seriously. Now,…

  • Do Israeli kids ever learn the fire safety lesson?

    The answer, sadly, is no. There is an unhealthy Israeli-Jewish obsession with fire in the springtime. It starts today – with Biyur Chametz, the burning of chametz, which is done on erev Pessach. Soon will be Yom Haatzmaut – the national barbecue bonanza, and after that, Lag B’omer, which pretty much celebrates bonfires the way it’s done here.…

  • *Something* was due today…

    According to one of three calculations (?!), today was a due date for Bebe. We’ve been betting on whether the final closing of the apartment would come through before the baby. Initially, it seemed like apartment was a no-brainer; we already live there and have a solid relationship with our landlady for three years. But,…

  • Banking on Purim.

    Here’s what it’s like for Abba and Mama to sign a whole fuck-ton of mortgage papers at the bank on Purim… through the eyes of a nearly two-year-old cookie lover: Koala became very concerned at the whereabouts of our Minnie Mouse-attired bank rep whenever she got up to copy documents. Today has seen a lot…

  • Finally, what Tzur Hadassah truly needs…

    Some said the supermarket would be their financial downfall. Others said the candy shop would be their caloric downfall. Well, my downfall is coming and it’s a mix of both. I mean, what suburban, family, bedroom community would not have a pizza shop? UPDATE: It’s open (post-Pesach)! Haven’t tried it yet. But if you want…

  • My street is bad-ass.

    Walking down my street, coming home after a supermarket run, and you know, whatever, a donkey is eating grass outside my shul. Just taking a stroll down my block. Whatevs.

  • Contracted to real estate limbo (or, Tzur Hadassah homeowner!)

    As of a two-hour meeting in the Bursa district of Tel Aviv today, we are now contracted to become the owners of our Tzur Hadassah apartment! That’s a convoluted way of saying something even more convoluted: We’ve signed and are waiting for the banks to finish their end of the deal before I can comfortably…

  • Tzur Hadassah update: It’s not *all* Pleasantville.

    I get a lot of email from people looking to move to Tzur Hadassah, our 1,000 family size yishuv in the Jerusalem hills. I tend to paint a rosy picture here, and get more honest in the emails, but I think I’m going to be honest here and allow myself to complain a little bit.…

  • Fire preparedness.

    No winter, an idiot burning trash, a dry forest – Haifa has way too much light this Chanukah. The news has become international that for the last 24 hours 5,000 acres of Haifa (Carmel) is drowning in the worst fire in Israel’s history. Israel is great at being prepared for terrorist threat, thorough in airport…

  • Tzur Hadassah update: Small town news.

    On Shabbat, I met a couple that is considering moving to צור הדסה and found information about it right here. Not much out there about this yishuv, in English or Hebrew, so I’m happy to fill in when needed. But I realize I haven’t updated properly in a while, and we have some ‘drama’ going…