Tag: gan
Koala update: You have an American mom.
I grew up with this perception of the Israeli kids in school being pretty laid back, coming to school with their lunch packed casually in plastic bags. I thought it was really cool… because I was a kid, and anything I didn’t get to do was cool. Even if every year my mom took me…
Israeli gan system, here we come.
Yowsa. Seven years from the month I made aliyah, I’m registering my first kid to ‘gan trom trom chova’ (compulsory kindergarten registration). The Israeli gan/school system baffles me. And I get the feeling it isn’t going to get any clearer any soon. But fortunately, the education registration website experience was spectacular! Smooth form-filling, clear instructions,…
Nothing like Chabad gan to start the year off righteous.
Like anything religious ever at all, the Chabad gan in Tzur Hadassah comes with its share of politics. Residents are wary over a charedi takeover. Some of the dati-leumi are at odds with the representatives. But me? I just love their gan. They run a tinokiya (baby daycare), peuton (toddler daycare) and gan chova (kindergarten).…
First day(s).
Two kids, double the first day blues. Well, I’ll admit: there’s nothing blue about Koala going to gan. Sorry, but I’m not sorry. That kid has too much energy to be cooped up in a house while mama works. It’s for your own good, goddamit! Bebe, however. That’s the sadness. It was rough sending Koala…
Bunny overload.
My head is not in Purim this year. I suppose I have a decent excuse, right? So today was the Purim party at Koala’s gan. For a week I’ve been reminded to send him in dressed up. He’s a bit of a particular kid, so I wanted to keep it simple. And who are we…
The Jewish State of education.
I feel a parental rite of passage has been reached tonight: next year’s daycare decisions. And so I begin the rant that I know others have had and yet here I am, new parent, new experiences, joining the fray. Someone explain this to me: This is a family-friendly country. Walk anywhere and easily spot a…