Tag: lizrael update
Vatika’s vocabulary lesson
Officially twenty years here, and oh how my Hebrew vocabulary and Israeli mindset has expanded and exploded in just one. Words I never thought I’d need, words I figured would take another while to come across. Or words that have completely changed meaning in the course of a day. If I mapped my aliyah in…
Hindsight is, after all, 2020: My end of (the longest) year review
“It’s the year of cliche conference names! The year of too-easy cable news slogans! The year that will produce endless ‘hindsight is…’ memes!” That’s what I was saying this time last year. So here we are, and it really wasn’t. Something as frivolous as a year’s round, meaningful number just… barely came up in 2020.…
lizrael update: just things.
This may be my longest stretch of not writing here. For the sake of breaking that streak, just some quickies. Give me a month to collect some thoughts and come back. Town life If I’ve changed over the last ten years, it’s not at the same pace or degree as my ‘village’ from what seems…
5 commandments of returning from vacation.
Assigning myself 5 commandments of going back to work after a somewhat off the grid week of vacation. In the meantime… a few hours of freedom left.
10 things about turning ten (celebrating a decade of lizrael update)
Where’s my cake? lizrael update turns ten-years-old today! That’s six months longer than I’ve lived here. That’s two more years than I’ve been married. That’s five more years than I’ve been a parent. That’s as long as I’ve been out of my first university. It’s the longest-running project I’ve ever undertaken, with no deadline or end in sight.…
lizrael update: 4 facts till I reunite with coherent thought
Happy March! Since it’s been quiet around here, I’ve provided a few quick facts: Fifty-Two Frames isn’t the only thing going on in my life, but I have felt uncharacteristically quiet for a long while now. I haven’t been working since beginning of February. More on that another time. Sometime in the next few weeks…
Fifty-Two Frames: Self-Portrait
First off, I started participating in Fifty-Two Frames exactly 52 weeks ago, January 2012, and this week I completed it, in time for a new round called 2013. Secondly, this week’s theme was a good one. It had the potential to be awkward, narcissistic, lame, or reflective. Sighofrelief it became the latter. This week I was…