Last weekend, we took some R&R out in the dry heat and salt water of the Dead Sea. A vacation in the Dead Sea is really a vacation by an enormous hotel pool, with occasional dips in the oily, salty, burning sensation that is the Dead Sea.
This, however, is less about the Dead Sea and more about the road to the Dead Sea… I forget every time I go how freakin’ cool the highway to the Dead Sea is.
You leave Jerusalem heading towards Maale Adumim… I’ve always though of Maale Adumim as “the other Gush” (as far as proximity and relationship to Jerusalem). But actually, it couldn’t be far from it in terms of the ecology. As soon as you pass through the machsom (border control) the scenery completely changes to barren, dry hills and a desert existence.
You also feel the temperature change pretty quickly, if you dare to open your windows.
There’s one part of the drive where you pass rows and rows of palm trees on a date farm. I love this part.
This was a little random: a Native American statue climbing a flagpole towards the Australian flag. Whatever.
Ok, some Dead Sea photos too… A greener part of the Dead Sea.
A classic Dead Sea view. Those are the Jordanian mountains in the background.
Whadya got: