Maccabi Beitar shout-out from a Tzur girl.

I want to give a heartfelt shout-out to the nurse in the Beitar Aleph Maccabi clinic.

Here’s how medical works when you live in Tzur Hadassah: There is a beyond-excellent clinic there; it takes all four kupot, offers kupa and private doctors of different sorts (including dentistry), holds classes in spinning and aerobics, and more. The availability factor is probably its best feature, or maybe it ties with the fact that the doctors and staff are just actually pleasant to work with. 

But there are things they can’t do and for those you’d venture into Beitar Illit, which has clinics for all four kupot as well. At first, as with any other reason to visit Beitar, I was hesitant and pessimistic. Can I go in jeans? Will I get stared down? Will they discriminate? But the place has really grown on me, for shopping or for mikva or for medical clinics. And most of the time, the answer is no. 

And you know what? It sure beats the big-city, ever-busy and impersonal main clinic centers in Jerusalem. Just about everyone there is encompassed by that busy mentality where smiles and words of comfort are daily forgotten. And I don’t blame them… Jerusalem life is Jerusalem life. 

But out here, in lush Matte Yehuda/Gush Etzion suburbia – charedi or not – life is so much calmer. Even in the medical clinics. 

So, to the very sweet, always kind and actually cheery nurse who has been doing my numerous blood and other pregnancy-related tests over at Beitar, and who now recognizes both me and my husband, and who adores my English name, I want to say thanks for being so chill and down-to-earth… whether I’m wearing jeans, you’re swamped with patients, or you haven’t yet had your morning coffee.






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