Koala update: Three and a half years.

Dropping off my brother at his giyus this week did a funny thing, Koala. It made me realize how very big you are. And how very small.

And how those two qualities will constantly be true, and constantly conflict, and constantly pose a challenge for me, and constantly fill me with love.

I do hope when you’re older, doing your high school roots project, you finally realize how much cooler it is that you’re uncle was in a brown uniform than green (and sorry about the disappointment when you realized he didn’t match the machsom soldiers; but airplanes are cooler than checkpoints, no?).

Aside from your new chayal exploration, you’ve been figuring how to…

…be a fireman… always being a fireman…

…showing up your farmer’s tan with real farmer work…

…doing new things you’ve been excited to try…

…exploring everything, everywhere, with your own stylistic flair…

…leading your sister, taking the wheel…

…or letting her lead, in the next rumble…

In any case, it’s quite clear… you become a bigger Koala every day…


Whadya got: