It would be an understatement to say it’s been a hectic half a year. But it hasn’t been too busy not to notice what a big kid you’ve become.
You’ve taken to Nettles as a big brother does; you’ve bonded even more with Bebe even if you do bicker a bit more (a testament to her communication skills, to your opening even more space to let her have valid feelings and actions).
The week you learned checkers, you taught your sister checkers. That might have been the best part of your enthusiasm.
You get down on the ground to see the world the way the baby does.
You can’t stop writing and drawing. Copying any words you see, in English or Hebrew. Drawing the characters in your mind, whether pirates or rocket ships.
You learn from everyone around you. The yoga thing definitely stuck.
You are fascinated by how things work, by making things work. Including your uncle’s PhD robotics work.
You’re – well, we’ll call it resourceful. I can’t throw anything away without you inspecting it first. Maybe there’s something you can do with it. Maybe you’ll save it for a rainy day. Or a paper pool.
You know who is dear to you. There are friends, and then there are friends. You treat them well. After initial caution, you’re sensitive. You share a little better. You laugh a lot. You love them close.
Whadya got: