One of my favorite things, on the days I pick you up from maon (daycare), I love walking up the stairs to the second floor and before there’s any way you know it’s me you come running. Or do I have distinctive footsteps? Or do you do that to everyone until you finally get it right?
And then there are the days you play it cool, too cool, and put on a show of whining and crying that I’m there and you’re torn about leaving all the kids you’ve been pushing around the gymboree.
Either way.
Pushing yourself around is something you’ve been doing more. No one is going to put baby in a corner of calling baby ‘baby’. So yes, I need to stop.
You’ll get dressed in your brother’s pants if you damn well please.
You’ll help do the dishes no matter how much more of a mess that makes.
You will sort the silverware while my back is to you as I’m trying to finish work, and by sort the silverware I mean take everything out, lick some of it, and put it back.
You also will take care of all the baby dolls in the house. With blanket wraps, stroller pushes, the occasional toss.
But you will.
Whadya got: