“She’s like the Giving Tree!”
That’s what Koala said when I learned that my grandmother was at the end of her life, after I explained that his great grandmother was so tired.
“She is like the Giving Tree! She lived a long time and she’s like at the end when the tree is old and wrinkly and a stump.”
She is like the Giving Tree.
She’d give us a dollar to buy ice cream at her Brooklyn pool club. She’d relish in watching us enjoy it, smiling with her friends around her.
She is like the Giving Tree.
She wanted us all to be happy. “Better you spend it than I save it,” she’d tell us. Our happiness was her happiness.
She is like the Giving Tree.
Grandma, I’d think, is the quiet one.
“Everything is fine. No complaints here.”
She went through a lot as a widow and single mother for nearly 5 decades. For someone who went through all that, how had she never complained?
She is like the Giving Tree.
Something I always thought when we’d see her – her hands, as she’d take mine in hers – her hands were so soft, her skin delicate and smooth like tissue paper.
She’d hold mine while wishing me everything good in life. Whatever I wanted. A good family. Great kids. Wonderful husband.
If she could have just given us all those things, she would have.
What she could give was her love, support, and the time necessary to figure yourself out. The patience to let you make mistakes. The acceptance needed for everyone to move forward.
“That was your great grandmother,” I’ll explain to Koala one day.
And she was happy.
Whadya got: