Did you hear the one about the kid that wanted to know everything about everything?
(Aside from Sid the Science Kid, which you’ve grown out of,) that’s… you.
I can’t wait to show you Wikipedia… and to catch you at 11pm with a flashlight under your covers reading in a Wikipedia spiral…
Huge milestone this past half-year: learning to dive. Much like everything else you care to try, you really dove deep into that one.
Trying over, and over, and over, (ima look!), and over, and over (ima look now!), and over until you really got it right.
Even when there was no water around…
You spent hard core quality time learning baseball with your grandpa and uncle. That’s four sports you’ve gotten into over the years.
This made me proud – you took this on, on your own. When we were busy, or asleep, or pretending to be asleep – you’d wake up, come down, and work a little bit more on your model airplane project. Minimal frustration makes a slightly more mature boy.
You started second grade, and I know you love it. I know, despite your token response ‘my favorite class is recess’ – I know you.
Learning is your favorite class.
Whadya got: