Category: bar ilan
Conflict management.
It’s probably only appropriate that at the graduation ceremony for Bar Ilan University’s Conflict Management and Negotiation program, I witnessed my first Israeli-Arab walkout. I studied in the program the same years as a secularish Arab girl from around Uhm Al Fahm. She’s probably around my age, with an assertive nature and a big, warn…
On the day of my ‘graduation ceremony’ from Bar Ilan’s Conflict Management and Negotiation program, I must note that five years ago,when I started, I wasn’t planning to still be at the job that was supposed to pay my way through university. Yet here I am. So, the degree was a bit of a disappointment.…
A degree in degree-getting.
So a couple weeks ago I shared the latest Bar Ilan update that standing between me and my diploma was a ptur in English. One moment; allow me to rephrase that… Approximately one fortnight ago, yours truly revealed an update on the outstanding situation regarding the university of Bar Ilan, where the accomplishment of a…
Bar Ilan update.
Haven’t heard from the Bar Ilan front in a while, have you? Were you starting to lose hope? Did you think I gave up? Well, honestly, there’s been nothing to update. I finished taking courses a year ago. I finished my last paper months ago. Then why is there no degree hanging proudly on my…
The lizrael update I've been waiting for.
Don’t know about you, but I can speak for myself, my husband, my family, some of my closer friends, and probably some coworkers and ex coworkers when I say that this is the lizrael update I’ve been wanting to share for a long, long time… In fact, I can pinpoint the time. It would be…
Here’s how you know you’ve developed as a student over years of Israeli grad school: First semester of Israeli grad school, three long years ago, you were told to write an end-of-term paper using the proper guidelines of the university’s thesis policy. You scrambled to find it after being told it was ‘somewhere on the…
Lizrael Update: school keeps on truckin'.
I know it’s been a while since I properly updated with the whole fancy ‘lizrael update’ subject line. And this is likely to be quick, since it concerns school. Some days I’m soclose to finishing my remaining projects (which these days numbers three) and some days I feel like I will never finish this thing.…
The final final.
I don’t want to make promises, because you just never know over here… But I’m %99.99 sure that I just finished my last ever final at Bar Ilan University… …And I totally rocked it. Take that, Ethical Dilemmas in Mediation! Here’s a portrait of the calm before the final: It’s not the end of my…
Stop playing with my heart.
Amidst my packing the apartment, my husband calls to me: “Looks like you got too sad too early.” Lecturers’ strike ends “The Coordinating Council of the Faculty Associations and the Treasury have come to an agreement ending the 89-day strike which has threatened the academic school year. After marathonic overnight negotiations, the parties have agreed…
Bar Ilan University has shut its doors…
…and it’s libraries, laboratories and offices. I just got a notice; if you’re a student it might interest you: בשל שביתת המרצים הבכירים הופסקה באופן מעשי פעילות ההוראה של הסגל הבכיר באוניברסיטאות זה כ- 87 יום לאור העובדה שהצדדים למו”מ אינם מצליחים לגשר על הפערים, הגיע ועד ראשי האוניברסיטאות למסקנה האוניברסיטאות אינן מוכנות לקבל מהסגל…
The irony of studying mediation during a strike.
I received an email today from the head of the Conflict Management and Negotiation department at Bar Ilan, apologizing for the inconvenience of the strike. He is new to the position as of this year and I found his email refreshing; isn’t this what you would expect considering the focus of this department? He explains…
An academic lizrael update.
*Yawn*. *Stretch*. It’s a sunny winter Sunday. Today is as good as any to update about the awful university situation in Israel right now. Basically, I have no idea what is going to happen for the rest of the year because the department heads, university presidents, strikers and government don’t know. Somewhere in this giant,…