Due to the current war in Israel after the horrific nightmare of the October 7th Hamas terrorist massacre of 1000+ Jews in the south and displacement of 100k+ civilians, I have added several links to organizations actively working to help civilians with aid, supplies, meals, medical, etc, as well as the IDF reservists with necessary supplies and equipment.
MDA Israel (Israel’s ‘Red Cross’): Support blood donations, critical equipment and even ambulances.
United Hatzala: Raising funds for emergency equipment as they continue to serve to rescue and treat injured across the south.
Leket (food rescue and distribution): Support getting meals to people stuck in southern Israel.
NATAL: An apolitical nonprofit specializing in the field of war and terror related trauma, advancing the resiliency of Israeli society through treatment, prevention, public awareness and research.
One Heart: Community crisis aid in times of emergency.
Brothers in Arms: Mobilizing supplies for both civilians and soldiers.
Friends of the IDF: Raising to support soldier equipment needs; donate or volunteer to fundraise.
ZAKA: Professional and highly-skilled volunteer services in the areas of emergency response and search and rescue.
Hospitals across Israel are inundated with the injured; they rely on donations even in the best of times:
Giving Back Fund: A dedicated fund to support Israeli citizens who paid out of pocket to fly back to serve during the war.

There are dozens of gmachs and organizations in Jerusalem alone that will happily take donated clothes, food, kitchenware, furniture, etc. I compiled most of this list based on compiled lists I received on Janglo.
If you have another to suggest, contact me. I’m happy to list others.
UPDATE: see my newer post about donating to orphanages in Israel.
The Israel Free Loan Association (IFLA)
A nonprofit organization (amuta) that provides interest free loans to working Israeli citizens with a monthly family income from NIS 3,000 up to NIS 13,000. The exact details and application form is on the web site, in Hebrew and English. The IFLA provides over 350 personal or small business loans per month and has been doing this since 1990. Repayments are immediately recirculated to new applicants, and the default rate is less than 1%.
The office is in Jerusalem, but loans are made throughout Israel.
Tel Aviv:
- The Lone Soldier Center needs home goods and furniture
- The ardc: iris@ardc-israel.org
- Naamat (battered women’s shelter): +972-3-692-1980
- Beit Ha’shanti: office@shanti.org.il
- Yad Eliezer (they help in TLV too) – (02) 591-2200
- Tel Aviv Mothers Make a Difference: Tel Aviv Mothers Make a Difference is a group of volunteer mums who have come together to provide essential aid to Israel’s mothers and children in need.
- Bat HaMelech: Israel’s only shelter for religious victims of domestic violence
- Maon Shablul: We run a “Shekel Bazaar”, a continuing sale, where people donate anything and everything used in good condition (clothes for the whole family, housewares, kitchenware, books, cosmetics, music, toys, bric-a-brac, electrical appliances etc) We cater mostly for the needy, and that’s why each item sells for just one Shekel. Any money raised goes toward things for the kids of the Shablul Day Care Center in Armon Hanatziv. For more information please contact Adena, 02-650076
- Center for Teens at Risk needs good winter clothes, shoes, toiletries, hobby, art supplies, things that you do not need. If you have some of them, please drop them at their center downtown Jerusalem, across Kikar Tzion, after 10 am.
- Crossroads Center for English Speaking Youth in Distress: Havatzelet 2 /Second Floor P.O.B 2954, Jerusalem, Israel, 91028
- Kids Zone, Pavilion level of the Clal Building
- The Israel Center clothing gemach located on the café level is now seeking pots, pans, and other kitchen items in addition to clothing. There are Israeli families, specifically Ethiopian olim that desperately need these items. Either bring them or, if you have a lot, call Mark 054-582-0517 to have them picked up.
- WIZO: 1 Mapu Street (near King David hotel). They distribute to the needy, their women’s shelters, etc. Appointment needed. They are the first door up 1/2 flight of stairs.
- Before you throw anything away, call Tzvika at 052-382-3247 or Rama at 052-347-4099. They run a gemach for needy families and are always looking for clothing (babies, children and adults), linens and blankets, electrical appliances (in working condition) and furniture. They will come and collect it. They also have a van/truck to help people move or transport items. Feel free to publicize this posting in other places.
- Yad Litinok, Ezrat Torah 26 (back of building). Hours: Sunday: 10 am-12 noon; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 3 pm – 5 pm. Family clothing, some linens, footwear available. Proceeds go to families in need. Clothing donations welcome, no pickup. For information: 02.582.0437
- Second hand shop for Jerusalem Municipality welfare at Dov Gruner Street, 2 East Talpiot Jerusalem. 671 7201.
- We are gemach that distributes clothes to extra large families who are in need. We accept clothing, kosher household appliances, small furniture. We pick up. Call @ 054-783-7488 or Simi at taltalim17@hotmail.com.
- Chesed Yad L’Yad: Call 02 571 1840 to arrange for a pick-up.
- The Yellow Door G’mach in Har Nof takes used clothing. Agassi, 6. 10-12 AM and 8-10 PM on Sun, Mon, Tues, & Wed.
- Ezrat Avot: Chaya Devorah: 02-653-5314
- Mitzvamann: mitzvamann@yahoo.com 05-47-83-74- 88
- Gemach Libi at 25 Raichman Street Bucharim Quarter, Jerusalem 02-5322664
Whadya got: