Tag: Judaism

  • חזק חזק ונתחזק

    חזק חזק ונתחזק

    So after a year, this morning my dog finally let me walk us together around the security road outside our house. Our old route. The last time we did that, just the two of us, was the day before Simchat Torah 5784. Something that happened, since last Simchat Torah, is that I inadvertently and unintentionally…

  • A season for internal Jewish liberation.

    A season for internal Jewish liberation.

    Here’s a secret. Even as a kid, I enjoyed sitting in synagogue on the high holidays. Even when friends would coax me to join them outside during the ‘boring parts’. (I didn’t really find them boring.) Even when my mom was reading any and all books from the stuffed shelves near the back row. Even…

  • So that controversial Tzur Hadassah mikvah grand opening happened.

    So many mixed feelings. We moved here knowing there was no working mikva, and it may or may not get fixed one day. I’d say the same of most of the people who will end up using the now open-to-public-but-still-waiting-on-a-few-details Tzur Hadassah mikva. And it’s a pretty diverse but reasonable bunch – I’m guessing mostly…

  • A peek at Tzur Hadassah’s first and only mikvah [PHOTOS]

    It’s been nearly a decade, I believe, but here it is – started with allotted government funds, ended with a generous donation – the long-despised, the long-awaited, Tzur Hadassah mikvah. The ‘grand opening’ ceremony was earlier this evening. I was totally surprised to find a facility on par with American/Australian counterparts: The reception: The bridal…

  • Fifty-Two Frames: Portrait

    The one day my son did not wear his beloved black kippa to kindergarten was the one day I needed to take a portrait shot for Fifty-Two Frames. Divine intervention? Since living in Israel, never has it been more trendy to debate religious practice, engage or disengage from extremism, ritually cross-dress, or hate people you…

  • Getting your feet (ritually) wet: An American-Israeli’s mikvah story

    Perhaps, for a taharat-mishpacha-keeping American-Israeli olah (female American immigrant to Israel who keeps laws of family purity), nothing else can quite epitomize the cultural differences of here and there better than… the mikvah. Because I got married in Israel, my mikva knowledge and experiences have been molded here. The closest I got in the States before…

  • On Jews, Jerusalem, Women and Walls

    Note: Reflections based on my rare February and March 2013 trips to the Kotel. Based on today’s news, I figured today’s as good as any to post.  I’ve been to the Kotel, the Western Wall, way too many times in the past year. Previously, I had a comfortable average of maybe once every two or…

  • Where I am religiously. Part 2.

    So – did you smile? I guess I’m feeling a bit philosophical lately because today alone I managed to get myself into a gun control debate that, ahem, triggered… well… no resolutions for me… as well as a different thread about religious observance, pride, and – yeah – Rashi. Basically, a friend posted the above…

  • Segulah this.

    Shared with me by an old colleague, I thought it timely to post now after yesterday’s  religion rambles and rants. Definition of segulah ranges from folk remedy to supernatural cure. Best Time Tested Segulos Segulah for recovery from illness: Go to a doctor (Berachot 60a, Bava Kamma 46b) Segulah for longevity: Lead a healthy lifestyle (Rambam, Deos…

  • Religious views: Lazy.

    I’m in a new place. It’s a place I’ve heard about, but never dwelled within. A place in time. I’ve known it’s been creeping up, have been expecting its tap on the shoulder… and here it is, plunked down and landed at my feet. Not enough is spoken about this place. I wish more people…

  • Gay Jews, straight Jews, mitzva-observing Jews.

    This is already a week old, but I really wanted to share it again here: Shmuley Boteach’s take on homosexuality in Judaism. Whether you’re a fan or a foe, I think it’s a well-thought out and ballsy read. Give it a try: No Holds Barred: The Jewish view of homosexuality A few of my favorite…

  • Fanning hatred on the 9th of Av.

    Can someone explain to me how publishing an article about which Israeli demographic hates which other Israeli demographic is supposed to be appropriate for Tisha B’Av? Why so negative, Ynet? Why stir the pot of hatred and conflict and darkness? As a Jew who studied for years and years about Jewish history, as a student…