Tag: love
Fifty-Two Frames: Love
After a mock wedding at kindergarten where my son was the groom, we all met up at the library afterwards and he ran off with the flower girl… Week 7: Love sneak a hug.
Koala update: Twenty months.
Love. I’m not sure what I can add to that to make it sound any more profound than the overwhelming feeling it attempts to describe. Your curiosity is inspiring. Your empathy is heartwarming. Your tantrums are hilarious. Your face is delicious. And it doesn’t matter where in the world we happen to be…
The thing about love/hate relationships is that eventually you come back to the hate. It’s triggered by anything. Items on the news. The news reporters themselves. People on the street. Commercials on the radio. Things your friends say. Things your neighbors do. So, if you haven’t guessed, I’m in the hate phase. Which is ok,…
What's been going on.
The past week and a half has been intense, painful, busy, impatient, energetic, emotional, nerve-wracking and exciting. And it’s not only for the reason you’re probably assuming. I haven’t been able to get all my thoughts out in an organized manner, so instead I’ll spew them in bullet form. People will ask what gender your…
Falling in love.
How do you fall in love with a picture? Back in week 15-16 we had the first of two major ultrasounds done. Going into it, we had already seen the ‘kid’ twice: once as a chulent bean in the beginning and once a few weeks back as something that might have come from a veterinary text book…