Tag: Rosh Hashana

  • A season for internal Jewish liberation.

    A season for internal Jewish liberation.

    Here’s a secret. Even as a kid, I enjoyed sitting in synagogue on the high holidays. Even when friends would coax me to join them outside during the ‘boring parts’. (I didn’t really find them boring.) Even when my mom was reading any and all books from the stuffed shelves near the back row. Even…

  • Nothing like Chabad gan to start the year off righteous.

    Like anything religious ever at all, the Chabad gan in Tzur Hadassah comes with its share of politics. Residents are wary over a charedi takeover. Some of the dati-leumi are at odds with the representatives. But me? I just love their gan. They run a tinokiya (baby daycare), peuton (toddler daycare) and gan chova (kindergarten).…

  • If only religion was kid art…

    I wonder what today is like for a girl named Shayna Tova. The shana tova greetings keep coming in, and somehow I manage to forget the whole sentimental aspect of this holiday till the day of. Here’s hoping for a great year, where we get the things we need and lose the things that weigh…

  • El-drunk!

    We Eldan/אלדן customers (suckers?) have been getting צ’ופר-ed up the wazoo lately. It’s either time for renewal or the competition is striking. But this latest gift is enough to get drunk on (sweet!): I’m going to proudly display the wine at my Rosh Hashana table so everyone knows which car leasing company is the very…