Month: October 2005

  • Another thought on the 400.

    All I want is to be like everyone enough so that I can be different enough to make a change.

  • hiking EXTREME!

    Took a small tiyul from Mevasseret to Yerush by foot. On a scale of beginner to expert it was an Israeli beginner level. A couple of hours, mostly flat but very pretty. The goal was the Lifta, a small natural pool, and right before that we stopped and ate at the abandoned Arab houses –…

  • Holy(land) crap.

    so a bunch of us janglos were going out for a motzei shabbat romp in town, getting down, and we had a great night between Latin and Hip Hop. we were walking back to Yaffo street through the Russian compound. it was me, S, R, A, E, D, and J. out of nowhere, this drunk…

  • autumn leaves vs. Mediterranean seas

    I miss autumn so much. It’s my first away from New York. I felt it yesterday as I came out of work – getting closer to the big revolving door, I felt this chill and it smelled like Thanksgiving… and the chill reached my bones and I wasn’t wearing a heavy coat and I was…

  • Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. – C. Schulz

    I never put this stuff up, but this seemed clever – 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner…

  • geshem reeshon, first rain

    It’s a moderate rain on this first day of chol hamoed; maybe it’s the leap year causing shemini atzeret to be later or maybe it’s weather craziness everywhere. Religiously speaking, it doesn’t bode well when it rains in Israel before we’ve prayed for it (shemini atzeret).

  • note:

    another note on the israeli shopping mall experience: walking through crowded Zara and noticing the many bored, tired men waiting for their girlfriends/wives/crushes – whether american yeshiva student, arse, or charedi…

  • caution: pointless lists to avoid making pointless lists.

    e: i sent you the list i made. b: you really have a lot of free time over there, don’t you.e: eh, it’s a dead week. there’s two people here, i’m barefoot, frustrated, and freaked out about life. it made sense to make pointless lists. you know how i love pointless lists.b: why are you…

  • three for three, a complete set

    First part of Succot down, making this the beginning of the end of me having spent a full year in israel Shalosh-Regalim-wise. Recap: Last Pessach was in Mitzpe Netufa, up north, with crazy family; Last Shavuot was down south, Beer Sheva;and now I’ll have a complete set, with succot in Jerusalem in the succah i…

  • holy of holies

    and how can i lizrael update on my yom kippur, holiest day of days, day of the holy of holies? my first yom kippur in israel, my first really terrible fast, and my first yom kippur away from my shul in staten island. let’s start with the latter: the hardest thing about my yk was…

  • hell is the floor of the 400 bus

    to clarify: the 400 bus is the bnei brak bus. shudder. I feel: Defeated. I went to my Conflict Management and Negotiation orientation at Bar Ilan and it was a complete failure. It took 3 hours to get there and when I did, I got there late, so late that the stupid thing was only…

  • pass the wake up

    i woke up at 6 30 after an awful awful dream… my mom came to israel to visit and then tried to trick me into coming bacl to america with her, and i nearly fell for it, for some reason… i really believed her, or i felt guilty, and then an hour before i had…