Shachar’s last laugh.
The hard part; or at least, the official part, was over. My cheeks were burning from all the smiling but I couldn’t actually feel it yet and that’s well enough since I had a lot more smiling to go.
It’s funny how you can plan one of the biggest parties of your life for six long months, and at the actual party you’re shocked to see people you invited only six weeks before.
Thank you! Oh, I can’t believe you made it! It’s so amazing to see you here. Thanks sooo much. Mazal tov – Right back atchya! No, you look great! Thank you! Oh, I can’t believe you made it! It’s so amazing to see you here. Thanks sooo much. Mazal tov – Right back atchya! No, you look great! Thank you! Oh, I can’t believe you made it! It’s so amazing to see you here. Thanks sooo much. Mazal tov – Right back atchya! No, you look great! Thank you! Oh, I can’t believe you made it! It’s so amazing to see you here. Thanks sooo much. Mazal tov – Right back atchya! No, you look great!
It was that break-time after the first, big crazy dance set, when you walk around and greet people (although somehow it’s like they’re greeting you). I looked up from the table of people where I was hovering and there he was.
I don’t know why I was surprised; I did send him an invitation six weeks before. Although he said he had reserve duty, and he might not be able to make it, I knew he’d work it out. But I was still surprised.
“Mazal tov! Can you believe I’m here?” Shachar’s eyes still danced.
“Of course! You’re the most important guest!”
We hugged and he introduced me to his new summer American. I smiled and laughed and welcomed her to my wedding. She said she was honored to ‘finally’ meet me.
Soon, Ronen came by –
“Oh! Ronen! Come meet my oldest friend in the world – Shachar, this is –”
“I know who he is…”
I could see without seeing that I looked puzzled.
Ronen and Shachar were smiling. “This is Shachar? The one you’ve been talking about?”
Shachar was laughing.
I didn’t have to demand an explanation; I must have looked that seriously puzzled.
“I was his madrich when he was here in yeshiva.”
I could see Ronen’s eyes laughing; “That was, what, 7 years ago…”
I looked at Ronen and then I looked at Shachar. I felt at once like the plastic wrapping had come off of my memory and that I was so incredibly happy to be in the company of two of my favorite people in this enormous room.
“Elizabet,” – his genuine smile, the dancing eyes – “of course I had to come to your wedding! When I saw the invitation, I knew it was that Ronen, from Australia… It’s not all the time that two amazing people that I happen to know find each other…”
Our eyes met
and mine said thanks
and Ronen took my hand and we greeted the next table.
And there ends the Shachar story.
I’m just glad I got to hear his last laugh.
Whadya got: