Throughout the year, I get more than a few people emailing me:
So what’s Tzur Hadassah like? Is it an evil settlement? Are there schools there? Wait, so is the mikvah controversy not over? Is it true Tzur Hadassah will become a part of Beitar Illit in 5 years? Is that empty store slated to be a coffee shop still empty? What’s with the giant orange dinosaur?
I love answering. But it would be even more fun to show you a real, live, entertaining side of one Tzur Hadassian sub-community.
Specifically, I associate myself with Kehillat HaTzur VeHaTzohar (a mouthful; easier this way: קהילת הצור והצוהר. Ok, still a mouthful.) We’re a small kehilla-that-could, constantly climbing uphill to build our community founded on mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. The binding philosophy and attitude make this an open-minded, multicultural, youth-focused, apolitical, dati leumi community based (not settled) in the Judean Hills.
At this point, we’re trying to literally build the major thing missing: a building, to serve as our center – beit knesset, educational facility, youth movement activities, etc. A dedicated group has been working hard at uncovering inspired folks who are excited to help.
And now, we’re gonna be totally fun about it: A midsummer eve of live music, stand-up comedy, good food, and a bunch of us locals. In English, so keep in mind it’s representing a sub-demographic of a sub-demographic (Tzur Hadassah, and our kehilla, is mostly Hebrew-speaking).
So whether your priority for coming is:
- meeting the locals (ask us ANYTHING),
- laughing with our very own veteran-olah-chadasha Lisa make us all feel a little better about how funny our lives are here in Israel,
- rocking out to our very own Jon and his jazz/soul/rock cover band, Funktion,
- tasting from the hillside-famous Pichonka meat restaurant,
…you’ll get yours and more on Saturday night, July 20th, 9:15pm at Pichonka Country Restaurant in Nes Harim (20ish minute drive from Jerusalem or the Gush).
For tickets and more info: email, Facebook, or call Tamar: 0523474160
See you there?
Whadya got: