Tag: kids

  • Koala update: Big brother edition.

    One the of most common things I was told before ‘the bebe’ was born was: Brace for impact from your two-year-old. With that, we prepped him as best we could, giving him a bebe of his own to ‘practice’ with and reciting daily the list of family members’ names over and over, with a fourth…

  • Do Israeli kids ever learn the fire safety lesson?

    The answer, sadly, is no. There is an unhealthy Israeli-Jewish obsession with fire in the springtime. It starts today – with Biyur Chametz, the burning of chametz, which is done on erev Pessach. Soon will be Yom Haatzmaut – the national barbecue bonanza, and after that, Lag B’omer, which pretty much celebrates bonfires the way it’s done here.…

  • And then there were four…

    Having two kids, I’ve heard people say, means now we’re a ‘real’ family… Of course, it’s silly to think there is a limited definition to ‘real family.’ Two parents and a child felt pretty real, but so did being a couple before that. And I’m pretty sure it’s just the same whether it’s one parent…

  • Kindergarten report.

    Kindergarten report.

    Ultimately, I blame myself for my nearly two-year-old turning more and more Israeli every day. Isn’t that what I always wanted, immigrant-self?

  • Purim roundup.

    Purim is a different kind of fun with a kid. I don’t think mine’s old enough to be the truly fun kind of kid fun, but we’re getting there. It’s also super-exhausting, although that might have to do with the second baby I’m carrying around. Here are some of the highlights: We got through most…

  • I have a son, II.

    Koala and I, flipping through a picture book of animals. I call out the animals by name, Koala repeats. “Penguin.” “Ffing.” “Monkey.” “Mmnkey.” “Bear.” “Beh.” “Chicken.” Koala leans down to the page in mock gobbling, and says, “Ummm!”

  • I have a son.

    After bringing Koala into bed with us this morning, the huz and I rolled back over and began dozing off. Koala leaned over to me, and whispered softly in my ear: “Mama?” I mumbled back, “Yeah?” And Koala burped in my ear.

  • Chanukah 5771 roundup.

    Well, that escalated quickly. I thought Chanukah with a non-infant kid would be more fun, but I guess Chanukah with two non-infant kids will be more like it. Except for when there’s no school the whole week and I want to rip out my hair like I see my coworkers doing. But the 8 crazy…

  • Thankfulness.

    It was technically Koala’s second Thanksgiving, but it was the first he could actually eat at. And eat he did. The toddler with three nationalities has plenty of room in his little belly for turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, potatoes and pie. But then, who doesn’t? And who doesn’t love drumming the 8-kilo turkey before mama…

  • There’s a remote for that.

    A sympathizing coworker brought me this remote control from England. Hmm… the country of mean TV nanny reality shows needs a remote to control their brats? So that must be the secret. For now, it seems the ‘Say thank you’ button will be the most rubbed out. Can’t wait for ‘Kiss granny’ though… (karma, Mom).

  • Koala update: Eighteen months.

    “The fundamental job of a toddler is to rule the universe.” (Lawrence Kutner) I think something clicked when I left town for a workweek and Koala realized I didn’t 110% revolve around his teeny-tiny universe. Well, aside from the fact that a year-and-a-half is a fine age to turn up the heat on acting out……

  • You can’t stay mad at me…

    There are a gajillion reasons why kids are fascinating. Here’s one: I spent last week on a business trip to New York City. It was my seventh time traveling since getting pregnant with Koala. It was my fifth time traveling since he was born. It was my first time in seven trips traveling without him.…